The OX-HYDRA BRAKE is an exciting new OX-BRAKE product that gives you full modulation and power! Why use it? Optimized hydra cylinder piston which allows for the most powerful stopping power on the market.
The Ox Hydra Left Hand Rear Brake Kit for Stark motorcycles is a hydraulic actuated left-hand rear braking system that is sealed, pre-bled and easy to bolt on in minutes with slight modifications to the brake system. It’s an extremely effective and functional auxiliary left hand brake that easily allows you to lock up the rear wheel with just two fingers.
- The OX-HYDRA BRAKE is a stand-alone, auxiliary leaver operating the rear wheel brake system. Should this hydraulic system fail for any reason, you still have complete control of your OEM rear brake system as supplied by the Manufacture.
- The OX-HYDRA BRAKE comes to you ready to install, “NO BLEEDING required”, because this is done for you before it is shipped.
- Installing an STARK requires routing the line through the side panels along the frame down to the rear master cylinder . It is always a good idea to bleed your OEM rear brake system at least twice a riding season and perhaps even more frequently depending on how aggressive you ride. This would be a good time to bleed your rear master cylinder as it can affect the performance of Your LHRB.
- Because the OX-HYDRA BRAKE is stand-alone system, the brake fluid does not heat as the rear master cylinder fluid does under heavy use, therefore it will not fade as other systems can.
- Your fluid level in OX- HYDRA-BRAKE is not affected due to brake pad wear, again because the fluid in the HYDRA-BRAKE DOES NOT INTEGRATE WITH YOUR BRAKE MASTER CYLINDER.
- The Brembo DOT hand lever cylinder allows you to obtain spare parts, should you require them.
- Replacement or spare parts for OX-HYDRA-BRAKE, are available from OX-MOTORCYCLE Products, LLC
- Customer Support and Customer Service is always available from OX-MOTORCYCLE Products, LLC. Do not contact your Dealer, we are here to service You, our customer.
***Comes as an option a Racing Brembo MASTER CYCLINDER FOR AN ADDITIONAL FEE***
- If you need technical assistance, contact Technical Support at support@oxbrake.com
NOTE: This product is designed for closed course or off-road use ONLY, not designed or approved for use on public roads.
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